Finding the Perfect Label Printer Enclosure

As companies are shipping more items, they need to print more of their own labels for shipments and product tags. In-house thermal label printers are becoming commonplace in manufacturing and industrial fields. Although it is always beneficial to have thermal label printers on the factory floor, these pricey printers cannot be exposed to dust, dirt, […]

Computer Enclosures for a Hazardous Environment

Prior to installation, system designers – working in corrosive or hazardous environments – should properly research how to safely deploy electronics. Considerations for the manufacturing area’s classification (Class I, II & III) and division (Division I, II) for components (LCDs, touch screens, HMI, computers, and various other hardware) is crucial. A system designer may be […]

The Best NEMA 4X Computer Enclosure Features

Computer enclosures are often used in the pharmaceutical, food, and beverage industries to protect useful computers, monitors, printers, and keyboards. It is important to specify the correct computer enclosure prior to deploying electronics in a wash down environment. Food, beverage, and pharmaceutical facilities require extreme cleanliness and sanitary conditions. The protective requirement regulations for electronic […]

3 Considerations for Computer Enclosures

While performing an Internet image search, computer enclosures – from various companies – may look very similar. However, computer enclosures are not created equal! In a factory or manufacturing environment, a high-quality, industrial computer enclosure will protect vital electronic components better than subpar enclosure products. When a customer makes a computer enclosure decision based solely […]

Avoid Computer Enclosure Pitfalls with Planning

If the proper planning is executed from the beginning of the process, finding the best computer enclosure does not have to be overwhelming. Setting aside time for adequate research is the best course of action and will pay off in the long run. Keep in mind: not every enclosure company has the same product for […]

Customizing Your Industrial Computer Enclosure

The term “custom” enclosure often gets a poor reputation for being more expensive than standard units and having excessive lead times. However, this is not always the case. When researching the best industrial computer enclosure for the job, it is critical to choose an enclosure provider which utilizes off-the-shelf items to customize a solution that […]

How to Customize Computer Enclosures

It’s not just a simple steel box. Enclosure manufacturers always strive to quickly ship the ideal cabinet to satisfy customers’ requests. The value added through flexibility and modifications can be very appealing if integrators work with a supplier that “can do it all.” When searching online for heavy-duty pc enclosures, integrators and project engineers often investigate […]

3 Reasons to Add Cooling to Computer Enclosures

When installing electronics in a heavy-duty, NEMA rated computer enclosure, a cooling thermal management unit (air conditioner, filtered fan system, vortex cooling unit, heat exchanger) should be considered. Expensive equipment (like computers, thermal printers, LCD monitors and other related peripherals) can overheat inside of a sealed pc enclosure, thus causing electronics to cease working or, at the […]

Questions to Ask When Searching for a Computer Enclosure

If your company is looking to purchase a heavy-duty enclosure for a computer, monitor, or printer, what questions should be pondered when searching for the right solution? There are various items to consider before placing a purchase order. For example, what is the temperature range of the enclosure’s environment? Will dust and dirt be in […]

Industrial Computer Enclosures vs. Industrial Computers

Multiple challenges exist when deploying computer equipment in a manufacturing environment. Extreme temperature fluctuations, dust, dirt, grease and splashing fluids are threatening for expensive electronics. Prior to implementing electronics on the plant floor, the system designer has the option of specifying an industrially hardened computer or an aptly sealed industrial computer enclosure to be used with […]